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Welcome to the Party Room
It's not a party without games and prizes

Get ready to join in the fun for a chance to win
monthly prizes from our fabulous partners*

To participate:

  1. Already have an EdvantagePerks account? Login

  2. Don’t have an account yet? Register and activate your FREE account and let games begin!

  3. Find and click on all 3 party icons each month, hidden on various partner pages. Each icon found, provides you with a chance to win. The game resets each month with party icons and new prizes.
Plus, you'll have a chance to win the GRAND PRIZE of
$3,000 cash from EdvantagePerks at the end of 2025*

Don't Forget!
Come back to check out the Party Room each month and play a new round because there are up to 25 gifts to be won!
Need a monthly reminder?
Our e-newsletter can do that for you. Subscribe today. Plus new partners and limited time offers announced!
Our partner sponsors